Kiwanis Club of Tattnall County Georgia
Our Purpose
To improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide.
As a thriving organization of men, women, and youth, we are dedicated to serving the children of the world and improving the quality of life worldwide. Being committed to this mission calls each of us to live by the Objects of Kiwanis.

If you believe our children are the future, take pride in your community, want to reach out to those in need and you enjoy meeting new people, Kiwanis is for you.
In addition to our weekly meetings, community service, and fundraising activities in which members are involved, events are planned throughout the year for an additional opportunity to socialize with Kiwanians and their families.
Our Club is involved in a variety of projects that involve fundraising, community service, and assisting children locally and worldwide.
Over the past years, our Club has established and contributed to several scholarship endowments in order to make annual scholarship awards to deserving college students in our community.
Measurable Impact
A Kiwanis commitment is built on your desire and willingness to serve your community. It is renewed because of the gratification you will find in serving others.

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